Tammy Billups

Tammy Billups

Tammy Billups is a certified Interface Therapist, an animal bioenergy healer, and a pioneer in the animal-human emotional/energetic relationship. She has appeared on CNN’s The Daily Share, Primetime Live ABC, and Oprah. She’s the creator of animal-human Tandem Healings™ and has a nationwide holistic healing practice for animals and humans. Her work identifying and healing the five core emotional wounds of animals was featured at the Animal Wisdom World Summit 2019 and is documented in her first book, Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions. Tammy has created many guided meditation tools to expedite deep emotional healing, and she writes a monthly column entitled Heal with Your Pet. She also has facilitated and produced the Praying Paws Animal Service since 2015 as part of the animal ministry of Unity North spiritual community. Tammy donates weekly sessions to animal rescue centers and lives in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. For more information visit www.tammybillups.com.