Radio Episodes
12/28/2021 encore-you-are-enough-panache-desai

Encore You Are Enough: Panache Desai

11:11 Talk Radio
True worth and acceptance can only be sourced from your soul. The individual’s search for worth, acceptance, and love is humanity’s search for belonging. It is one mas- sive, primordial cry for love that resounds over all con- tinents, across all oceans. Listen Now

4/8/2020 you-are-enough-panache-desai

You Are Enough: Panache Desai

11:11 Talk Radio
The promise of genuine peace, joy, and fulfillment is real, but the path to revealing it is unexpected and, to most, paradoxical. You’ve created a facade in search of fulfillment and belonging, but underneath it lies a powerful and grace-filled desire for connection, love, and oneness. You are Enough. Listen Now