Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is one of the most important philosophers in the world today. Often referred to as “the Einstein of consciousness”, he is the originator of the first truly comprehensive or integrative philosophy, aptly named Integral Theory, Incorporating cultural studies, anthropology, systems theory, developmental psychology, biology, and spirituality. It has been applied in fields as diverse as sustainability, psychotherapy, spirituality, education, business, medicine, politics, sports, and art. Currently, he’s the most widely translated academic writer in America with some 25 books translated into more than 30 languages. Most recently he is known for his books Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, A Brief History of Everything, and the series of eight re-edited volumes of his Collected Works. His celebrated The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions appeared from Shambhala in 2017. See also and