Rev. Patricia  Cagganello

Rev. Patricia Cagganello

REV. PATRICIA CAGGANELLO is CEO and Founder of Sacred Stories Media, a conscious online media network. As an ordained interfaith, inter-spiritual minister Patricia believes every story is a sacred story. She is ordained from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary in New York. Patricia, who holds a Masters of Arts in Education and a Bachelors of Science in Business, has worked in the corporate and educational worlds for many years and proudly served six years as a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps. Patricia has authored God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Animals and God is in the Little Things: Messages from the Golden Angels and is co-author Scanning For Signal, a book of poetry. Sacred Stories Media includes Sacred Stories Publishing, an award-winning traditional publishing and marketing company: Garnet Press, a self-publishing book division; and Sacred U, an online course division.