Amy Vodarek

Amy Vodarek

President, Insight Edge Learning and Leadership Inc Women’s Executive Coach, Facilitator, Author, Speaker Amy is on a mission to help women step powerfully into their potential and boldly share their voice to expand their unique gifts to lead, to serve and create an impact. She believes our most crucial leadership journey is within, that soft skills are essential skills and, we grow to become the person we need to become through each success, challenge, and failure. Her work with women leaders, their teams and organizations are expressions of her care, passion, and interest in action. Women who work with Amy learn to identify and develop critical leadership capabilities and up level their impact on their most strategic and vital results. Through genuine connection and skillful conversation, clients gain crucial insights setting them apart to create extraordinary, socially conscious results while becoming whom they desire to become along the way. She’s the founder of Insight Edge, a premier women’s leadership development company offering executive, team and leadership development through individual and group coaching, workshop design and facilitation and consulting. She’s also the co-author of the Amazon bestseller, Good Enough. Embrace who you are. Unleash your brilliance, exploring the internal barriers holding women professionals back from stepping into and expressing their full potential.