Radio Episodes
6/18/2020 dont-be-political-and-hr-superhero

'Don't Be Political!' & HR Superhero

The Leadership Leap
In this special episode, Christina Sackefyio and Lianne will be talking about what it means when we say we don't want to be, or others tell us not to be 'political'. Listen Now

5/21/2020 encore-solution-focused-leadership-and-hr-superhero

Encore: Solution Focused Leadership & HR Superhero

The Leadership Leap
‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others. It’s a mindset and a skillset that can help elevate engagement, enhance problem solving abilities in our people and can significantly increase productivity. In this episode, Sarah McVanel, Recognition Expert at Greatness Magnified, will help us to better understand what solution focused leadership is and why it’s important, as well as give us some helpful tips for putting it into action. Listen Now

2/20/2020 solution-focused-leadership-and-hr-superhero

Solution Focused Leadership & HR Superhero

The Leadership Leap
‘Solution Focused Leadership’ is all about taking a ‘what works’, strengths-based approach to leading others. It’s a mindset and a skillset that can help elevate engagement, enhance problem solving abilities in our people and can significantly increase productivity. In this episode, Sarah McVanel, Recognition Expert at Greatness Magnified, will help us to better understand what solution focused leadership is and why it’s important, as well as give us some helpful tips for putting it into action. Listen Now

1/30/2020 speaking-as-a-leader-and-hr-superhero

Speaking as a Leader & HR Superhero

The Leadership Leap
Do you speak up or wait until you are asked? Do you want to find your voice and better understand how to communicate more effectively? Rebecca Knaggs from The Humphrey Group is here this week to help us better understand what it means to have a voice in the workplace and how to be heard. Gurpreet Kaur Mann, HR Superhero also joins us for her segment to talk about how to navigate the challenge of trying to get a leadership position when you haven’t had one before. Join us! Listen Now