Patty IMsL 2014

Patty IMsL 2014

Patty is a butch leatherdyke who has been involved in the Leather Community long enough to see herself through several incarnations and take a few trips around Kinky Block. She is honoured to hold the titles of International Ms Leather 2014, Ms Leather Toronto 2014, and Ms Northbound Leather 2013. Patty served on the boards of the So You Want to Be Kinky educational series and the International Ms Leather Foundation. She ran the Surge Event Series for leather/kinky women and trans people in Toronto and created the “Surge: Images of Power & Pleasure” calendar as a fundraiser. With 20 years in mental health services as a therapist, supervisor and educator, she is passionate about developing the capacity of community members to better understand and respond to those in distress. In response, she has co-developed and regularly presents workshops on suicide/mental health first aid for the puppy and kink/leather communities.