Miguel Dean

Miguel Dean

Miguel Dean is a healing catalyst and holder of sacred space. He is also a writer and author of his much acclaimed latest book Bring Him Home – A Twin Flame Love Story. Born in England he had a challenging start to life. As a young man, he spiraled down into a life of violence, petty crime, addiction and homelessness in which he spent seven years living on the road as a New Age Traveler. It was the love of his new born son that inspired and motivated him to begin to take responsibility and make changes. This began a rich, varied and at times extremely challenging journey to return home to physical health and inner union. He worked empowering disadvantaged youth though his focus is now on sacred masculinity, conscious relationships and divine union. His writing and healing are in alignment with his passion to serve and ease the transition, from what no longer serves humanity and the planet, into a more beautiful world for our children and the generations to come.