Nicholas Lagersten

Nicholas Lagersten

Nicholas Lagersten, or Nicho as people call him, is the rebellious sales rep that always has gone his own way. He started his career in sales at the local newspaper in Gothenburg where he at an early age developed his skills in the art of talking, listening and asking questions. After he dropped out of Business School, he started his first job in B2B sales at Telia, the biggest mobile carrier in Sweden. After Telia, Nicholas moved Stockholm to join the PR SaaS company Mynewsdesk. After a couple of years at Mynewsdesk, working in B2B helping companies and organisations utilize digital PR as an effective way of getting exposure to their target audience and journalists, Nicholas moved to Dublin. In Dublin, he joined Linkedin to help them and his customers take benefit of the platform and their sales tool, Sales Navigator. Now Nicholas runs his own consultant company, Digiteyes. They specialize in Social Selling workflows and processes and also traditional sales training.