Janine  Benyus

Janine Benyus

Janine Benyus is a biologist, innovation consultant, and author of six books, including Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature. In 1998, Janine co-founded the world’s first bio-inspired consultancy, bringing nature’s sustainable designs to 250+ clients including Boeing, Colgate-Palmolive, Nike, General Electric, Herman Miller, HOK architects, IDEO, Interface, Natura, Procter and Gamble, Levi’s, Kohler, and General Mills. In 2006, Janine co-founded a non-profit institute to embed biomimicry in formal education and informal spaces such as museums and nature centers. Over 100 universities are now part of the Biomimicry Educator’s Network, introducing biology’s lessons to students who will one day design, engineer, and manage our world. In 2010, Janine and her team combined the for-profit and non-profit arms into a single B-Corp called Biomimicry 3.8., the world’s leader in biomimicry innovation consulting, training for professionals and curricula development for educators.