Bob Kulhan

Bob Kulhan

Bob Kulhan links improvisation to business through behavioral science. He is an elite improv actor, a consultant and trainer, and the Founder and CEO of Business Improv®, world-class leader in developing experiential learning programs for businesses. Bob has performed and taught improvisation, including for Chicago's famed Second City. His Business Improv programs emphasize ways to foster collaborative cultures, bust blocks to creativity, manage conflict and create agile cultures in companies such as GOOGLE, Ford Motor Company, SAS, American Express, Hilton Hotels Worldwide, PepsiCo, Capital One, Colgate-Palmolive, Procter & Gamble and the US Department of Defense. Bob is the author of ‘GETTING TO YES AND’. Visit, @Kulhan, and @BizImprov; or, download our free guide, A Simple Hack for Better Communication at Work, at