Diana Miret

Diana Miret

Diana Miret is the Numbers Whisperer. She can tell a business owner’s story just by looking at their numbers. She developed this superpower after years of studies and skilled training. She is an MIT certified Process Master and holds a green belt in Six Sigma and Lean Sigma. And as with most super heroes, they use their superpowers for good. And that is what Diana has set out to do with her coaching practice – The Business Profit Coach, LLC With her combined 35+ years as a corporate executive at companies ranging from banks in Canada to a Dot com, Diana is leveraging her expertise in project management, planning and business profitability to help business owners stay in business. She recently combined her efforts with a successful attorney and launched a business called The Profitable Lawyer. She is a highly-sought after speaker on the topic of women's empowerment. Her message? Money is power and women should have BOTH. Find her online at: http://www.dianamiret.com.