Alicia White

Alicia White

Industry Leader Alicia White helps you become a Successful Speaker. She gives effective on- and off-stage strategies and designs brilliantly branded speaker tools to help you grow your business every time you speak. With years of experience in branding, business and speaking, clients receive the next steps on successful speaking. An award-winning speaker, Alicia was selected as “A Woman You Need to Know” by the Women Speakers Association and is the recipient of two awards from the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association. Committed to the speaking industry, she serves as a district-level officer in Toastmasters and was a founding member of the Public Speakers Association. Alicia is an international best seller of the book compilation “Share Your Message with the World.” Her latest book was endorsed by Tom Ziglar, Ziglar, Inc. (proud son of Zig Ziglar), “The Successful Speaker’s Handbook: Tools, Ideas and Strategies to Elevate Your Expertise as a Speaker” is available on Amazon.