Lee Davy

Lee Davy

Lee Davy is a hybrid-aggregate wellness specialist. Lee is able to connect the dots, see the bigger picture, and look beyond specific specialism and ‘see how it all joins up’. Retaining the capacity to connect the evidence from a wide variety of sources and piece together what it all might mean for both, the individual and the future of humanity. He has been a trainer of trainers and coach of coaches for decades, passionately edifying clients with his unique coalescence of mindful practices and fierce conditioning regimens. A former “gym guy,” Lee owned and operated the Dynamic Conditioning Centre, a multi-disciplinary fitness facility, for over 10 years in Toronto, Canada, where he trained a diverse array of top performers to reach new levels of athletic exceptionalism. He has studied the great masters of history exhaustively, compiling his work into two books, Conscious Endeavor and Life the Dance; Philosophies of Navigation, Understanding & Expression.