Arinn Testa, PsyD

Arinn Testa, PsyD

Dr. Testa is the Director of EBT Research and a Licensed Psychologist in California with a neuroscience concentration. She began her journey with EBT in 2010 as a lead researcher for a National Institute of Health study and continues to provide individual and group coaching as well as teaches in the provider training course. Her whole health coaching style focuses on bringing the body/mind/spirit dimensions into balance. Dr. Testa has a diverse background working in many settings ranging from locked psychiatric institutions, jails, and hospitals, working with first responders and incarcerated persons, locally and internationally with midwives and pregnant women, working in the field with homeless mentally ill persons, and teaching neuroscience to graduate students. She's a mother of 3 and has a daily practice both for herself and that she shares with her family. To reach her for coaching or 30-day intensives, please click here: