Rachel Duffy

Rachel Duffy

Rachel Duffy is a Certified Conscious Parenting & Leadership Coach. She helps entrepreneur parents dealing with stressed, unmotivated work teams & kids, shift into self-drive, engagement & success without relying on control, discipline or hierarchy. Unlike traditional leadership and parenting models that take a top-down approach, Conscious Parenting & Leadership uses a horizontal model, prioritizing self-reflection & accountability to create lifelong change in relationships. After serving in the Israeli Military for 3 years, Rachel obtained a Bachelors, a Masters degree in Law and worked as a family law litigator. She went on to run a small fashion company in SF before taking a break to have 3 kids. When she became a parent, she had to examine her own motivations and limiting beliefs that were getting in the way of parenting with clarity. What began as small teaching moments developed into a full-time occupation as a parenting & leadership coach. Contact Rachel: info@sagacitylab.com