James Tyberonn
James Tyberonn has always had a very deep love for the earth, as a Geologist and Engineer, and a driven interest in spirituality and metaphysics. He has mixed Native American heritage, and has completed six 5-day vision quests on the Lakota modality. He has had numerous shamanic journeys in Mexico and in South America. He has authored two books, and is writing his third on the metaphysical healing properties of gemstones. Tyberonn began channeling Archangel Metatron in 2007, and is regularly featured in the Sedona Journal. He has recently retired from his geological work, and now writes and conducts seminars and sacred site travel throughout the Americas on a full time basis. His extensive travels and time as an expatriate allowed him great opportunities to learn other languages and cultures. For more information visit: www.earth-keeper.com