Elizabeth McCulloch

Elizabeth McCulloch

Elizabeth McCulloch was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and lived in New England, the Midwest, Canada, and the South before putting down roots and finding her home in Gainesville, Florida. Previously a lawyer, then a teacher, she has had children of various stripes: one born, two foster, one step, and the granddaughter she is now raising with her husband. She has long been an activist on poverty issues, and for eighteen years helped run a homeless outreach van and food pantry. Elizabeth has been writing and seeking publication for over thirty years. At her website, elizabethmccullochauthor.com, she has two illustrated blogs. The Feminist Grandma contains personal essays on friends, family, aging and whatever delights or irks her. In Big Books from Small Presses she primarily reviews books which are not well-known. Dreaming the Marsh is her first novel.