Jenny Brockis

Jenny Brockis

JENNY BROCKIS: As a kid, my favorite tale was Rudyard Kipling’s story of ‘How The Elephant Got His Trunk’. Like the elephant I was insatiably curious about the world. It also got me into a bit of trouble, like the time I set fire to the kitchen during a chemistry experiment and when I caused the ceiling in the family room to collapse after flooding the bathroom. My curiosity led me to develop a sense of awe and wonder about the human body and a career in medicine; as Principal of a group medical practice, board-certified lifestyle medicine physician and workplace-based consultant specializing in brain health, mental wellbeing and social connection. And I have just published my fourth book Thriving Mind: How to Cultivate a Good Life What gets me out of bed in the morning is the opportunity to inspire others to fully thrive and create a good life. When not speaking or training you’ll find me cuddled up with a book, hiking in nature, or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen.