Meghan O'Connell

Meghan O'Connell

Meghan O’Connell, the artist behind Dirty Teacup Designs, is an Arizona based artist dabbling in the surreal, fanciful & all things macabre! Her love of depicting the intricate details of fabric, design & sassy ladies started when she was young. However, it blossomed after graduating with a degree in Fashion Design, and a strong focus on fashion illustration. Though her heart will always be in Fashion Design – she fell in love with the concepts behind illustrating her designs, creating mood boards based on emotions & bringing them to life on paper. With the intent of exploring the dichotomies in human nature, she flipped Dirty Teacup Designs from fashion sketches & garments, to what you see today! Creating stories within a single page, Meghan combines mischief and beauty, ominous scenarios and their consequences.