Rebekah Smith

Rebekah Smith

Dr. Rebekah Smith is one of the world's leaders in film and spirituality, Dr. Smith (aka Rebekah Film Dr) was born in the UK and from humble beginnings worked her way to become an award-winning consultant and media personality. Rebekah was one of the producers of Wales’ most successful national horror film festival; the ‘Abertoir Horror Festival’ and thrived in the film festival business. Her company The Film Festival Doctor, has won more than 800 awards for their clients. In her latest book, Rebekah discusses the real KEY to her and their SUCCESS: the blending of practical business skills and spiritual techniques. This was so profound that she decided to record her vast knowledge in her new book Born to Do It: Becoming the Leader of a Business Niche Using Powerful Spiritual Techniques to help others who are pondering the leap into entrepreneurship or are already on the journey.