Terri-Ann Russell

Terri-Ann Russell

Terri-Ann has always had a connection with the spirit world. When her youngest daughter was born with a life-threatening illness, she discovered her true calling as an energy healer. Terri-Ann is the owner and founder of Sassy Soul Energy Healing in Sedona and is on the staff of the Sedona Soul Sisters, an organization of gifted professional psychics. Considered a multi-dimensional healer, Terri-Ann works through angels such as Archangel Michael and Mother Mary, as well as with other galactic beings. Her training is extensive in Usui Reiki and Karuna Reiki, Theta healing, Quantum healing, and Energy Transfer Reset, as well as her own modality: Soul Matters Activations. She is determined to bring Anthony’s message to the masses to help others understand that there is no death. Her book supports that mission, From Death to Life: The Incredible True Story of Anthony Joseph. Please visit her at www.sedonasoulsisters.com