Jens Kleis Frederiksen

Jens Kleis Frederiksen

Jens is partner at Janson Kleis Frederiksen, an executive coaching firm specializing in professional development, leadership and team performance. Before becoming an executive coach, Jens spent 25 years in management and senior leadership of global consumer-facing companies working in Denmark, the UK, Spain, France, Russia, Gibraltar and Switzerland. He resides in Lausanne, Switzerland and services clients across the world. Jens holds a B.Sc. in International Marketing from Niels Brock’s Business School in Copenhagen, a Diplôme Grande Ecole de Gestion from ESCP – EAP in Paris and is a certified professional coach by the International Coaching Federation as well as a certified NLP coaching practitioner. He is fluent in danish, english, french, spanish and german. Jens loves everything technical, from old cars to mechanical watches, and is happiest when outdoors; preferably skiing, hiking or sailing. He has a competitive streak and scaled the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro to win a beer.