Sarah Farrell Johnson

Sarah Farrell Johnson

As a teacher who has always put others first, Sarah didn't quite realize that her self-worth was tied to her outside world until she became a mom and struggled with the challenges new moms face. Author of, “I Just Can’t Ducking Pump Anymore,” Sarah Johnson writes to help new moms (or moms trying to breastfeed a second time) with the mindset it takes to breastfeed. There are a million "how-two" books on how to breastfeed. But this book addresses how you feel worthy when all those tips and tricks don't work and you don't produce enough to feed your baby? Sarah Farrell Johnson lives in the Poconos, Pennsylvania with her husband, daughter, son, and pets. She enjoys her career as a French teacher and a mom. She received her B.S.Ed. from Bloomsburg University and her M.Ed. from Moravian College. Her passion is helping others; teaching is one way she shares that love, and writing is another.