Lynn Biot-Gordon, MSW,  LCSW, CDP, CADDCT, CDCM

Lynn Biot-Gordon, MSW, LCSW, CDP, CADDCT, CDCM

Lynn Biot-Gordon is a clinical social worker with a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master of Social Work degree from Boston University. Her social work experience spans more than 30 years and includes mental health, hospice, long term care, and school social work. Focused on geriatrics, Lynn has served in the areas of administration, direct clinical practice, health education, and clinical supervision. She founded Gordon Social Work Consultants in 1997 to provide consultation and health education services for long term care facilities which includes training and in-services on a variety of topics for residents, families, and health care staff. She founded the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners in 2001 and the International Council in 2015. As the Chief Operations Officer of the NCCDP and ICCDP she continues to develop clinical curricula, provides consultation to facilities, and is a recognized instructor and speaker for agencies in the U.S. and abroad.