Nancy Hoffman Vanyek

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek

Nancy Hoffman Vanyek, ACE is CEO of the Greater San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles County. A 33-year veteran of the Chamber industry, she is skilled at uniting government, business, and community sources to influence and change legislation and regulations affecting businesses in California. Nancy has built and strengthened ties with community leaders and organizations as well as increased awareness of her Chamber as the voice of business throughout the Valley. As a result, the Chamber is recognized for its fierce stance on business initiatives. To respond to the sudden loss of business due to COVID-19 related civil authority closure orders, Nancy founded a nationwide coalition: the Save Small Business Coalition whose goal is to find funding for businesses to reopen and stay open as they navigate a new normal and provide the certainty and support businesses and working families need to reverse the current economic downturn. The coalition now boasts over 200 chambers and business organizations representing 28 states, committed to the survival of a vibrant business community in the face of severe economic hardships. Their recent wins were many of the business elements included in the last stimulus package including Workforce Development programs, an extended and enhanced Paycheck Protection Program, and additional State & Local financial support.