Sterling Pino-DeGale

Sterling Pino-DeGale

Sterling is the Director of Instruction & Curriculum for Kid Power, Inc., a local afterschool non-profit in the DC area. He oversees and coaches Instructors for success in the classroom while also planning and editing curriculum. As a former classroom teacher, Sterling understands the importance of intentional teaching and joined the Kid Power team to make a difference in how people view after school learning. In his eyes, after school opportunities can make a large and lasting impact, especially on our children of color. When planned effectively, students can reap the benefits of collaborative daytime and after school instruction. Sterling taught in schools throughout DC, fostering a passion for education and its impact on people's lives. Through the pandemic, he believes that the emphasis in education today should be on Social-Emotional learning and providing spaces for students and teachers alike to engage, share their thoughts, and come together as a community, albeit virtually.