Josh  Goldberg

Josh Goldberg

Josh Goldberg has been a real estate investor since 1980. Throughout his career, Josh has successfully negotiated hundreds of real estate transactions. In his early years, he focused on small residential properties. Since then, Josh has purchased and upgraded shopping centers, urban retail properties, office buildings and garden apartment complexes. Over the years, Josh has proven adept at identifying and adding value to underperforming properties. He skillfully repositions his properties by making cost effective upgrades, improving tenant quality and increasing net earnings. Josh has grown his business through several downturns by correctly reading market conditions and acting decisively. The Goldberg Group portfolio strikes a balance between reliable high earning properties and development opportunities. Always making use of sensible financing, Goldberg Group has experienced steady growth through decades of change. Josh attributes his success to his deep relationships in the brokerage community based on his reputation for dependability and integrity. Josh incorporates a blend of creativity, tenacity and pragmatism in his deal making as he continues to thrive in the real estate industry.