Karen Stephenson

Karen Stephenson

Karen Stephenson is an expert wild food educator, recipe developer, chartered herbalist, author, professional writer, researcher, and a certified Master Naturalist. She is also an Acute Canine Herbalism Specialist. Karen is a member of some 12 associations from the North American Native Plant Society to Food Secure Canada. Although her passion is teaching others about wild food, simply being outdoors every day is a must for her. Karen’s passion is not only to teach what specific wild plants, mushrooms, trees, etc., are edible – but how to use them and why to use them. Most wild edible plants have by far more nutrients that store-bought produce and with very poor soil conditions in many large scale agricultural practices, eating weeds has become almost an essential nutrient-dense food source to nourish our bodies. Wise Words: At the very least, gain some knowledge on wild edibles even if you do not want to eat them; because one day they may be a food source you will need.