Shea Hillenbrand

Shea Hillenbrand

Shea lived out both his childhood dreams of playing Major League Baseball and owning a zoo. Shea became a 2-Time MLB All-Star through hard work, determination, and dedication. While Shea was having substantial success in the prime of his Major League Baseball career, he was at a point where his childhood dream had lost its luster, he was not fulfilled. So, he decided to leave Major League baseball to come home to be a father to his three beautiful, adopted children and pursue his second childhood dream of owning a zoo. He accumulated three hundred farm and exotic animals and partnered them with children in his community focusing on inner city, disabled, and child crisis children. The transformations of children’s lives at his zoo superseded any accomplishment Shea had in Major League Baseball stadiums across North America. Through this process he realized the story he had told himself his whole life, “I’m not lovable, I’m not good enough, my father doesn’t love me,” was his driving force to success. This driving force led him to emptiness. Matter of fact it led him to losing everything in his life. His family, his zoo, and his millions he made playing Major League baseball. He was one breath away from losing his life after overdosing on drugs and alcohol. By the grace of God, Shea made it through. Now Shea shares his story, his gifts, and his talents to inspire people like you to identify and use your gifts and talents to impact the world.