Dr. Zayd Ratansi

Dr. Zayd Ratansi

Dr. Zayd Ratansi is a licensed Naturopathic Physician with advanced certifications in hyperbaric medicine, bio-oxidative medicine, low level light therapy, chelation therapy and environmental medicine. Dr. Ratansi received his BSc from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and Doctoral of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington in 1998. Dr. Ratansi currently works as the Medical Director and Naturopathic Physician for Wellness Without Limits, LLC in Florida and also holds an active license in California and Washington State as a Naturopathic Doctor. Dr. Ratansi began his practice in 1998 where he served as the medical director for the first private multi-place hyperbaric oxygen chamber in Canada. For 6 years he oversaw and directed over 90,000 pressurized hyperbaric oxygen treatments and fine tuned a one-month recovery program for some very debilitating conditions. During that time, he served for 7 years as the medical director at the HOC Health Centers in Canada and the United States. Dr. Ratansi specializes in the treatment of brain injuries and other neurological conditions using hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Dr. Ratansi also lectures worldwide on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for neurological conditions and has played a leading role in implementing protocols on the use of hyperbaric therapy in mainstream medical settings.