Suzanne  Jeffreys

Suzanne Jeffreys

Suzanne Jeffreys (aka Suz) helps high achievers stress less and eat healthier so they look great, feel great, work smarter, and have plenty of time for themselves, family and fun. A Speaker, Tai Chi Instructor, Fitness Professional and Certified Nutrition Therapist, Suz teaches simple strategies to go from burned out to balance to bad ass with her signature Harmony of Body and Mind Method. Developed over 25 years, this unique strategy blends moving meditation, ancient Tai Chi wisdom principles, and her love of all things food and nutritional science. Suz offers keynote speaking, health coaching, nutrition workshops, corporate consulting, live classes and online courses. Suz and her husband Bob live in Estero, Florida. She has 3 kids, 4 stepkids, and 7 grandkids