Cary-Lee Calder

Cary-Lee Calder

Cary-Lee Calder is a Gusgimukw woman from Quatsino Nation, presently she is the Band Administrator for her home community. Cary-Lee is the daughter of Eileen Nelson and late Gerald Calder. Cary-lee has bloodlines to the Wuikinuxv, Tlatlasikwala, Weiwaikum Nations on her mothers side and is Ojiicree on her late fathers side. Cary-Lee walks in her power and leads with her heart. Resiliency, strength and purpose has been passed down to her from her ancestors. She has the responsibility to advocate for her people and all indigenous people. Cary-lee is a proud mother of seven beautiful children 4 she gave birth to and 3 that she is privileged to be connected. Cary-Lee has been blessed with 12 soon to be 13 grandchildren. Cary-Lee is an Aunty which is a very sacred relationship. She has been searching for her missing niece Angeline Pete since Angeline went missing in May 2011. Missing murdered Indigenous women and girls (MMIWG) in Canada is a national crisis. Cary-Lee has worked to bring light to Angeline’s case through media releases, planned and delivered an MMIWG Kwakwaka’wakw Family Gathering in Port Hardy in May 2019. The purpose was to begin healing at home for families impacted by MMIWG. Resiliency is deeply connected to loving and respecting one's self. Cary-Lee has worked to let go of trauma and grief. She works everyday to fully accept, love and respect herself through the action of aligning her energy with the universe and trusting herself.