Erica Nitti Becker

Erica Nitti Becker

Erica’s philosophies of life are “anything is possible” and “facing fear is your true teacher”. After surviving a near-death experience when she was thirteen years old, she experienced her first spiritual awakening. Doctors called her recovery a miracle. Through training both her brain and body back to health, Erica’s thirst for life and her mission were sparked! Erica has spent the last sixteen years, and the better part of her professional career, working for the most honored and respected Life and Business Strategist, helping people achieve peak performance. For nearly a decade, she has been coaching business owners and professionals to enable them to achieve success on their own terms, professionally and personally. She has also been a consultant to many authors, speakers, athletes, and experts in a variety of fields. Through one on one coaching sessions (1st level awareness and insights) or through her energy and release meditations (resistance clearing & alignment), Erica is passionate about teaching people how to master their minds, break through inner resistance, and bring awareness to living at a higher level of consciousness. Erica has passionately logged over 10,000 one-on-one coaching hours, working with hundreds of clients. Her clients not only achieve the results they desire, they also receive what they didn’t know they needed.