Kelly Brock

Kelly Brock

On the surface, Kelly Brock had it all together. She had been running a successful network marketing business for more than a decade and was highly respected in the field. But on the inside, she was struggling. She had become so addicted to achievement that she was neglecting her relationships and her health. And that’s when her body forced her to stop. Kelly got so caught up in her big goals and dreams, thinking the freedom she wanted in her entrepreneur life was on the other side of “one more”But it was never enough. She was burned out and exhausted.That was when Kelly made it her mission to find a way for female business leaders to be profitable and it NOT HAVE to come at the expense of their peace or purpose. Kelly walked away from her 10 year career without a safety net or client in sight and started leading anyone who would follow her in this new way of "being" when it comes building your “whole-human” business.By 6 months, Kelly had a 6 figure business and by the end of that first year she had already tripled that revenue. But more importantly, what had worked for her, was working for others too. Creator of the Peaceful Performer Movement, Kelly knows that building a Whole Human Business can give you more peace, purpose and profit than you could have ever dreamed and she is on a mission to impact as many women as possible!