Kaitlin Raver, M.Ed.

Kaitlin Raver, M.Ed.

Kaitlin Raver, M.Ed. is a Teacher, Coach, Parent, Curator, Designer, Leader, Arts Education and Special Needs Advocate, Event Planner, Hostess, Baker, Actress, Humanist, Creative Empowerer and Encourager. She founded RAVE Art & Design in 2011 to promote local, national, and international working artists to a global audience. “Real art by real living and working artists needs to be seen, needs an audience to be felt and engaged, and needs to be front and center regularly as a human creative exchange and experience.” Growing up as a TCK [third culture kid] in Arabia, traveling the world, and fascinated with global cultures, historic civilizations, art movements, pop culture trends, humanity, ethics, ideologies, philosophies, psychology, identity, religion, and politics, Kaitlin uses her skills and value sets to help move others in positive directions through creative endeavors and empowerment in the now. She holds a BA in Art History and M.Ed. in Social Studies. Creative curriculums that empower for good are her BEing.