Radio Episodes
2/1/2023 the-future-of-patents-protecting-your-ip-genius-or-not-so-much

The Future of Patents: Protecting Your IP Genius or Not So Much?

Technology Revolution: The Future of Now
The Buzz 1: “I’ve got a patent on an idea. I don’t think I'm asking too much to make a little bit of money off it.” [Tod (Bryan Cranston), Love the Coopers, 2015 film] The Buzz 2: “Patents. That’s the whole problem. We have too many patents. Listen Now

6/8/2022 the-future-of-drones-landing-near-you-soon-part-3

The Future of Drones: Landing Near You Soon? – Part 3

Technology Revolution: The Future of Now
The Buzz 1: Headlines: Drones are helping to restore power in Puerto Rico. A drone attacked targeted the U.S. electrical grid. Google’s drone service will deliver library books. Submarine drone can swim for months and then fly away. Listen Now