Sherle Stevens

Sherle Stevens

Our guest is Sherle Stevens, a numerologist, an accomplished artist whose work bedazzles, a jazz/cabaret singer who will be performing on the show. Her story begins as a young girl who fell in love with the MGM musicals, the music and the glitter of the performers. A girl who wanted to sing, act and dance just like in the movies. Tap dancing lessons and recitals added to her joy of singing, but then puberty hit, and her voice began to disappear until she could only sing 3 notes and it would cut out. She then threw herself into art, through school and on into art school. Sherle started out illustrating in the fashion industry and eventually becoming an art director in advertising agencies. She has lived in New York, St. Louis, Indianapolis and now home is in Dallas. It wasn’t always smooth sailing as she moved along, losing her singing voice, going through a heart-breaking divorce, but somehow she moved from connection to connection. The Dr. who diagnosed her vocal polyps and given surgery, on condition she had to quit smoking, and the friend who got her singing again. The vocal teacher helping her grow into singing again and connecting to be in multi-performer cabaret revues in Dallas. Sherle had a numerology reading which opened up her life’s understanding, she then studied numerology and today her biggest joy comes from doing numerology readings and helping people uncover their souls’ mission, that followed by singing!