Daniel Morris

Daniel Morris

Dan began his professional accounting career in 1984 Ernst & Young in Silicon Valley, California. Today, he’s the Managing Director, Morris + D'Angelo, Senior Consultant with Strategic Global Advisors International Limited; Founder, VeraSage Institute. His Mission: “To be the Ultimate Dragon Slayer.” He is a sought after global expert in multi-national business structuring, tax optimization, and asset protection. As a frequent speaker at conferences, leadership development events, and seminars, and a consultant to professional knowledge firms on Ethics, Implementing Global Business Strategies, Asset Protection, Emerging Technologies, Total Quality Service, Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain, and Value Pricing, his work takes him around the world. He has been an educator with numerous professional associations since 1998 and has authored, developed, and presented fifty courses, seminars, and conferences on topics including asset protection, international tax strategies, emerging technologies, ethics, pricing, and customer economics. As the immediate past chair of the Regulatory Working Group for the Accountants Blockchain Coalition, Dan is actively engaged in all aspects of the blockchain and its associated parts. He has assisted over a dozen blockchain related enterprises including designing the global structure for DASH along with coordinating multiple ICO and/or pre-ICO engagements. Dan received his Bachelor of Science from the University of Oregon, and resides in Oregon.