Munira  Zahabi

Munira Zahabi

Most people have a vision of what their “destination” in life should be like, but most never embark on the journey because their mind is foggy and they envelop themselves in disbelief and fear. They keep fighting the storm without a strategy. I am The Niche Navigator and help people realize their vision and help people realize their vision and help people reach their destination by enduring the storms they are facing. Munira Zahabi, The Niche Navigator, is an author, speaker, influencer, and entrepreneur from Chicago, IL. Through her business, she has influenced many people to navigate to their niche. She is focused on the “The Riches are in the Niches” concept focuses on helping business-preneurs narrow down their niche by using messenger marketing as the main deployment tool to increase lead capture. Munira’s mission is to integrate the concept of nicheology, businessology, and confidienceology. To learn more about Munira and her Niche please click on Munira is a certified John Maxwell coach and she has been certified through the Mastermind coaching programs by Tony Robbins.