Dr. Ron Kaiser

Dr. Ron Kaiser

Dr. Ron Kaiser is a positive health psychologist. medical school faculty member, podcaster, keynote and TEDx speaker, and author of the triple award-winning book REJUVENAGING®: The Art and Science of Growing Older with Enthusiasm. At age 84, Dr. Kaiser continues to creatively pursue his passion of helping others celebrate the 2nd half-century of life by promoting the 7 Keys to REJUVENAGING® so that they can own the aging process instead of succumbing to it, and so that they have strategies to outlive and out-enjoy their contemporaries. His website: www.thementalhealthgym.com. He is also active on social media, with pages on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Dr. Kaiser’s philosophy is summed up in his slogan, “If I knew how much fun old age would be, I’d have grown older faster.”