Richard A. Bowell

Richard A. Bowell

Richard A. Bowell, with his colleagues Kay Dundorf and Michael Shewchuk, are co-founders of The Center for Human Change and Conscious World They have been pioneers in the discussion of the consciousness shift needed for real global change in the United Nations community, particularly through Mr. Bowell's several influential books, most recently THE ESSENTIAL SHIFT (free download available courtesy of this program at ) and AN URGENT PLEA FROM THE FUTURE: The Seventeen Sustainable Development Alignment. Richard is also the author of THE LAST UNPOLLUTED PLACE ON EARTH IS INSIDE OURSELVES, WAKING UP (To our Evolutionary Potential) GROWING UP (To our Conscious Contribution) and the recent THE UNFOLDING OF THE WAY: There is no way to the future, the future is the way. The Global Center and Conscious World provide a global education resource aimed at addressing the significant challenges of these times. Websites:;