Joni Carley

Joni Carley

Dr. Joni Carley, author of THE ALCHEMY OF POWER: MASTERING THE INVISIBLE FACTORS OF LEADERSHIP, consults with business, non-profit and governmental leaders and also writes and speaks about values-driven leadership and cultural development. She holds a doctorate in The Reinvention of Work and is a United Nations ECOSOC Consultant, where she works on global governance transformation and provides leadership advisory services. Also an inter-faith minister, for over 30 years, Rev. Joni has been co-creating high energy, inter-spiritual programs, including for the United Nations Tillman Chapel’s celebrations of World Interfaith Harmony Week and International Day of Peace and with indigenous spiritual leaders throughout the world. Her ministry celebrates the mysterious spark of life that is unique in each of us and common to all. She is active with her local Transition Town, a musician, a news junkie and a lifelong learner with an insatiable curiosity. Website: