Avril Louise

Avril Louise

Born and raised in Miami, Avril has always had a passion for women's issues, politics, and the access and availability of comprehensive sex education. She speaks both Spanish and English. Avril has an MA in Clinical Sexology from the University of Valencia and a BA in International Relations and Political Science from Florida International University.https:thepornconversation.orgShe writes articles including a monthly column, Sexual Health 101: for LUSTZINE, hosts inperson and online workshops, talks, and provides sex therapy for couples and individuals both in Barcelona and online. She has collaborated in the past with The Standard, VICE, Soho House, and The University of Oxford to name a few.She is currently living in Barcelona, Spain and is the Project Manager and inhouse Clinical Sexologist for Erika Lusts nonprofit project The Porn Conversation which is dedicated to increasing the availability of sexpositive educational tools for parents and educators to provide younger generations comprehensive sex education at home and in school beginning with the topic of porn. https://sexologygirl.com