Radio Episodes
3/21/2024 encore-who-i-choose-to-be-is-the-new-me

Encore Who I Choose to be, is the New Me!

Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity
Rick Warren has a quote, “We are the product of our past but we don’t have to be a prisoner to it.” Regardless of what has happened to us we don’t have to be shackled to it and allow it to define us. Listen Now

3/10/2022 who-i-choose-to-be-is-the-new-me

Who I Choose to be, is the New Me!

Living Strong: The Flip Side of Adversity
Rick Warren has a quote, “We are the product of our past but we don’t have to be a prisoner to it.” Regardless of what has happened to us we don’t have to be shackled to it and allow it to define us. Listen Now