Heidi Thomas

Heidi Thomas

Heidi Thomas has enjoyed a career as a professional musician, music teacher and public speaker. Heidi took early retirement from teaching and now has her own business, Health Through Music, which teaches others how to use music as a tool for health and wellness. As a survivor of sexual assault and rape at the age of 24, she has become a nationally recognized speaker on the healing power of music. From parents of children and teens to students themselves, from caregivers and first responders to people re-entering society after prison and those in palliative care, Heidi’s message and music reach across all demographics to help anyone learn how to use music intentionally for their physical, mental and emotional health. Her weekly musical offering, Wellness Wednesdays, can be accessed on her Health Through Music YouTube channel. Heidi is the author of the upcoming book Healing and Health Through Music: Creating Harmony through Traumatic Times.