Susan D. Harrison

Susan D. Harrison

Susan D. is a Licensed Massage Therapist & Esthetician. Since 1995 Susan has been the owner/operator of Spa-tique, a boutique day spa in Madison, WI. Spa-tique was created to be a special sanctuary, where clients can come to renew themselves inside and out. A lifelong student of holistic care and techniques, Susan continuously blends ancient and modern-day treatments and techniques. Susan has a passion to empower guests to have home self-care tools as well as other options to meet each person’s unique concerns. Susan first introduced sound therapy in massage with tuning forks to release muscle tension as well as chakra balancing. Upon researching sound lounge therapy, Susan discovered profound benefits for herself – improved sleep, deep relaxation, clarity of mind, motivation, anxiety, and pain relief. Susan knew this could help so many of her clients as well. So, in 2019 the So Sound Sanctuary was born, and the Sound Healing Lounge was added to the spa.