Jillian Haslam

Jillian Haslam

Surviving the hardship of a bruising childhood of extreme poverty, where Jillian faced malnutrition, and disease, her life was dominated by challenge. But Jillian learned to be resilient and resourceful, developing the ability to find her voice and make an impact. Now she shows others how to handle adversity, develop resilience and fulfil their destiny. As a speaker and author Jillian delivers her messages of hope so that others can face their own future with the confidence to contribute with maximum impact. Her speeches are gripping and inspiring on the day, but the results are profound and long-lasting. Her ability to help others achieve has brought her many accolades, including the prestigious Mother Teresa Memorial International award. She was also honoured as the Telegraph’s True Legend and in the Asian Woman of the year awards. Jillian has also received Individual Achievement Awards from RBS, ABN Amro and Bank of America. Her riveting story has been featured on many TV networks, including Channel 5 and the BBC, and a wide range of print media, including The Independent, The Pioneer, The Times, The Telegraph, The Metro, Gulf News, and other major media outlets. Her story is now the subject of a new book, “a Voice out of Poverty”, which is soon to be made into a feature film. Now her own charitable trust is helping many hundreds of disadvantaged people over come their adversity and achieve their destiny.