Dr. John F. Tholen

Dr. John F. Tholen

Over his 40-plus years in practice as a clinical psychologist, Dr. Tholen created thousands of messages to improve the self-talk of clients whose motivation and emotional well-being had been disrupted by excessive attention to dysfunctional thoughts those that cause distress without motivating constructive action. After retiring in 2017, he began compiling and categorizing alternative thoughts that are functional likely to inspire hope and self-assertion. The result is Focused Positivity , a user-friendly manual for overcoming counterproductive thought patterns to permit a more fulfilling life. Focused Positivity integrates psychological philosophy with research discoveries about the relationship among our thoughts, feelings, and actions, as well as about assertiveness, relaxation, habit change, and even the competition that occurs between the two sides of our brains. The book presents a unique set of easy-to-follow steps that can be accomplished in a few minutes each day. Dr. Tholen’s focused positivity strategy employs the closest thing we have to a “superpower” our ability to shift the focus of our attention to diminish anxiety, inspire self-assertion, and gradually attain a more balanced view of our circumstances, capabilities, and potential.