Lyndsey  Fraser

Lyndsey Fraser

Lyndsey Fraser is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as a Certified Sex Therapist in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She has been practicing for the last ten years in her own private practice. She specializes in relationships and sexuality utilizing the Enneagram. She has been using the Enneagram for the last eight years and is in the process of completing her IEA accreditation through Enneagram Egypt. She is also a certified 4-D model therapist, which uses the idea that the individual is an integration of body, mind, heart and spirit. Lyndsey believes by understanding these components in conjunction with the Enneagram allows us to have more growth and self-awareness in our lives. She values her lifelong commitment to learning whether through organic experience or formal education. She enjoys sharing this knowledge and expertise through the many presentations and workshops she has given for both therapists and clients. Her motto is that “Who you are at your core matters, and it deserves to be seen by the world.”